

We offer two cycles of three-month virtual residencies per year for four emerging Indian artists (each cycle). The program provides financial support and mentorship to the artists without requiring them to leave their personal creative spaces. Each artist receives a monthly stipend of INR 10,000 to aid their artistic endeavours. In addition to financial support, the residency includes a unique mentorship component, allowing each artist to engage in once-a-month online sessions with a senior arts practitioner. The mentorship is tailored to the needs and interests of the mentee and can involve established artists, renowned writers, or distinguished curators. The program is dedicated to creating a nurturing and supportive environment that encourages artistic exploration and professional growth.

For the Residency Program:

  • Workshop Requirement: As a residency requirement, artists may need to develop and conduct at least one public workshop related to their artistic practice or another area of expertise. These workshops serve a dual purpose: They provide community outreach and also help enhance the artists’ public speaking and teaching skills.

  • Youth Mentorship: Pairing each artist with a student aged 13-18 years. The mentorship focuses on creative development, career advice, or a specific project the student wants to undertake. This provides valuable guidance to young aspiring artists and gives the residents a chance to reflect on their practices through teaching.

  • Documentation and Sharing: We encourage artists to document their mentorship and workshop experiences through blog posts, videos, or social media. This helps promote the program and share valuable insights and outcomes with a broader audience. Selected artists will have scheduled periods to take over the Foundation’s Instagram account, sharing their creative process, daily artistic life, and interactions with their mentees. This increases the artists’ visibility and engages and grows the Foundation’s social media audience.

  • This fellowship provides a grant of INR 2 lakh to support the development of a significant artistic project over six months. The fellowship allows mid-career artists (ages 30-40 years) to dive deeper into their practice and bring ambitious projects to fruition. At the end of the fellowship period, the artist is given a platform to present their work to a broader audience, with an invitation to exhibit at the Champatree Art Gallery. This exhibition culminates the artist’s efforts and achievements during the fellowship and offers a valuable opportunity for public engagement and professional recognition. The fellowship aims to empower artists to take their careers to the next level and make a lasting impact in the art world.

  • For the Fellowship Program:
  • Community Project: As part of their project development, the fellowship recipient could be required to incorporate educational elements, such as workshops or lecture demonstrations, that engage with different community segments, including students.

  • Student Engagement: The fellow could also participate in the mentorship program, providing more in-depth, focused guidance to older or more advanced students. This could be part of a structured program where the fellow helps the student develop a significant project or portfolio.

  • Instagram Takeovers: Like the residency participants, the fellow will take over the Art For Art Foundation’s Instagram account for set periods. They will share insights into their project development, workshops, and mentorship experiences, contributing to a vibrant and interactive online community.